Diamante Bridge Collective

The Diamante Bridge Collective (DBC) is a network of communities, individuals, and organizations located primarily within the Diamante Valley of Costa Rica and the greater Southern Zone of Costa Rica. We embody the ethics of permaculture and sociocracy as we work to create village settlements that nurture optimal human development.
DBC functions as a hub with many nodes that share our mission of restoring and responsibly stewarding the lands and watersheds around us. Instead of perpetuating the old model of land “ownership” and resource commodification, we encourage and support land “stewardship” through the formation of conservation trusts, ensuring that the lands will be protected and natural resources will support many future generations. Together, we create collective agreements and localized economies based on decentralized currencies, transparency, and accountability in all our exchanges.

The DBC network is uniquely positioned to connect individuals with community-building projects that will best suit their values and needs. We build bridges between land stewards and skilled service providers who are committed to caring for themselves, their neighbors, and surrounding bioregions. We also serve as a bridge for individuals looking to transition from an industrial consumer lifestyle to a more natural regenerative way of living.